A Day at the Heron Rookery

For over a week I have wanted to take a hike in the woods north of Duluth. My target was a great blue heron rookery. I wanted to arrive a bit after dawn and observe these great birds on their nests. However, for almost seven days Lake Superior threw fog, rain and generally horrible weather at me … not worth a walk in the woods.

Finally, a day dawned crisp, clear and cold. Under deep blue skies I hiked off from my car into the woods. Perfect attire for the day was boots that came up almost to my knees. The area was marshy to begin with, and the recent rains made it a squishy walk.

When I finally arrive at the rookery I thought it was deserted. Initially dismayed, I took another closer look. The herons were all flat down in their nests. Although the skies were deep blue, these recent returnees from the south did not like the 32F temperature and strong NW wind.

Showing patience plenty of photographic opportunities arose. Whenever one parent came back from fishing, both birds would stand and interact before the other bird flew off to find its own breakfast. I hope you enjoy my Great Blue Heron Rookery photos!

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