Bald Eagles Behaving Badly!

At least this would have been your opinion this morning if you were one of the Canada Geese or Trumpeter Swans hanging out in the few open water spots at Chambers Grove on the St. Louis River. Some early Spring migrants are making their appearance in the Northland, and the Bald Eagles were hoping to have waterfowl for breakfast! Take a look at the last flight sequence photo for the mature bald eagle, and you will spy two geese paying close attention to Mr. Eagle!

In addition to checking out Chambers Grove, I found a large number of early migrating songbirds along the Western Waterfront Trail (63rd Ave. West). In addition to the mourning doves and red-winged blackbirds pictures, I saw pine siskins, song sparrows, grackles and robins! I hope they all know snow and cold weather will return within 24 to 48 hours. Today’s sunny 60F is an anomaly for Duluth at this time of March, but we all enjoyed it!

Immature Bald Eagle: Dive, Captain, Dive!
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An Adult Bald Eagle Gets in Upon the Act
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Mourning Doves Times 4, Times 3, Times 1!
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A Red-Winged Blackbird Sets its Territory

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