Wounded Birder Birding Starts Year #4

This post leads off Year #4 of 365 Days of Birds. While the local birds are just fine, this birder, your host, can not say the same. Early New Year’s Eve I pinched a nerve in my back while reaching for some potato chips, and now five days later I still am having trouble walking. I wish I had a better, more interesting story for how this injury occurred, but while I love long birding hikes, month long bike tours and racing in Nordic ski races, a simple potato chip did me in.

Having to lie down for days in order to keep the pressure off my back is not my idea of fun, but at least my own yard and feeders continue to attract birds and give me something to watch out the living room window. Yesterday, I managed to hobble outside into the -8F weather and do my first birding on 2017, in my own yard. Here are some of images from that “trip”!  🙂

Pileated Woodpecker

Red-Bellied Woodpecker

White-Breasted Nuthatch

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5 thoughts on “Wounded Birder Birding Starts Year #4

  1. Thanks for everyone’s get well wIshes. The nerve is improving, but I am still nowhere near 100%. By tomorrow I hope to ditch my cane.

  2. I have just recently discovered your website and I am really enjoying it. Thank you!
    I hope your chip incident is a thing of the past soon. Take care.

  3. Hope you are healing and strengthening. I love your site and look forward to learning about our bird friends through your photos and words.
    If you need help with your back health, Yoga North teaches Somatic Yoga, a great tool for pain and healing parts of the body that have issues…

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