Spring has arrived to the Northland, and a string of warm weather has trees budding and bugs starting to hatch. The birds are aware of this fact, and today the Western Waterfront Trail was finally a good place to hike! Flocks of Yellow-Rumped Warblers and Yellow Warblers made their presence known … in addition to many other birds. On warm days for the next 7+ days it should be fun to watch the warblers migrate through the region. I personally like parking at the end of 63rd Avenue West, and hiking the trail in both directions. The more traditional approach for the Duluth Audubon Walks is to park near the Munger Inn and walk Indian Point Campground.
Featured in order:
- Yellow Warbler
- Yellow-Rumped Warbler (female)
- American Goldfinch
- Brown Trasher
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