Day 082: Chukar Chills at Dawn

In the pre dawn light, the wind was blowing in excess of 20 mph, and the temperature fell to 15F. In short, it was a cold mid April morning in northern Minnesota. However, although the chill factor reminded me of January, I decided to head out before sunrise for some photographing at 5:40 am Wow! I’m glad I skipped the normal sleep, and braved the cold.

Today’s bird is a Chukar. Say the word fast with a guttural accent and both this bird’s name and look / attitude reminds me of Klingons! It’s amazing I even saw a Chukar on the shores of Lake Superior. According to All About Birds from Cornell, this guy belongs in the western Rockies. Thus, he was a rare find on rocky shores of the big lake.

The morning was actually provided a wealth of photo opportunities. Before my photo session with Mr. Chukar, I watched and photographed some lake freighters arriving at the Duluth harbor in the dawn light. The US Coast Guard ice breaker had helped them cross Lake Superior which is still 75% ice covered.

After my photoshoot with the lakers, I drive to a small creek which empties into the Duluth harbor. This creek provides a small bit of open water, and the geese and gulls were enjoying the early morning sun. All in all, it was a great morning!

Chukar on Brighton Beach
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High Bridge Geese and Gulls



Laker in the Pre-Dawn Light
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