Lighthouse Bird Photography

Without intending to create a sub-theme for this project, one has evolved on its own … lighthouse bird photography! The combination of birds, lighthouses and Lake Superior appears to be something I can not resist!

My wife and I hiked out to the Superior Entry Breakwater (six mile hike) today. Of course this meant a new lighthouse photographic opportunity. Even though the calendar says we are now well into the month of May, Lake Superior said otherwise! Between the ever present lake ice which has not yet melted, 30mph winds and a +37F temperature it was COLD while I took these picture. It was worth every freezing moment. Hope you enjoy today’s lighthouse photographs. The first picture has a bird! In addition, you may use this link to review all my lighthouse photographs and blog entries made during this project (gets updated)

As of today, I now have photographs of birds with the following lighthouses: Duluth Canal Park (all three lighthouses), Superior Entry Lighthouse, and the Two Harbors Breakwater Lighthouse!

Superior Entry Breakwater Lighthouse and Ship Traffic
Superior-Entry-Lighthouse-1 Superior-Entry-Lighthouse-2-Ship Superior-Entry-Lighthouse-3-Ship Superior-Entry-Lighthouse-4-Ship Superior-Entry-Lighthouse-5-Ship


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