Two days ago with a shift of the wind the ice pack blew away from the northern Minnesota shore (sorry Wisconsin south shore). After two days of slightly warmer weather and some sunshine, the smelt decided it was high time to start their spring run of the north shore streams and rivers of Lake Superior. It did not take long for both humans and birds to notice.
All but one of the bird photos were taken shortly after dawn this morning (the picture of the redheaded ducks was taken yesterday afternoon). The photo of the humans was taken under the full moon last night around 10 pm.
As a point of information, smelt are a small fish (herring like) which live in Lake Superior, but run up the streams in the early Spring to spawn (Minnesota DNR Link).
- View this project’s Flickr photo stream. (click upon image to view at full size)
The Smelt are Running! The Smelt are Running (horned grebe)
Where?! Where?! (red-necked grebe and cormorant)
We’re coming (flock of cormorants)
We fished last night! (flock of humans)
Redheads and Lesser Scaups (bluebills)
Killjoy! (the presence of this bald eagle was not appreciated)
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