Monthly Archives: June 2014

Day 133: Lester River Merganser Morning

Shortly after dawn I headed down to the mouth of the Lester River where is flows into Lake Superior. As usual, one of my favorite birding spots did not disappoint. From 5:30 to 7:30 am I watched this flock of mergansers and assorted other birds. The mergansers where anything but “common”!

The parade of common mergansers begins!133-Birds-365-Merganser-Morning-01-Parade


Morning reflections


Aerial view!


The peanut gallery!




Here’s flapping my wings at you, kid!


Squawking … move … now!


Morning preen


Day 132: Spring Has Sprung Cedar Waxwings

The ice has finally melted on this end of Lake Superior (not on the south shore of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan). Within the past week the leaves have finally started to appear, and some flowering trees are blooming. Down on Minnesota Point this morning I found a flock of cedar waxwings which were enjoying the new bounty!

Spring Has Sprung Cedar-Waxwings
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Day 131: Arctic Stopover – Semipalmated Plover (photos)

I had thought the migration of birds through northern Minnesota was complete, but I was wrong. This morning I discovered a small flock of Semipalmated-Plovers at the mouth of the Lester River. It was almost hard to believe that our weather of fog, rain and 45F could be considered warm, but these plovers thought the gravel bar at the mouth of a river on Lake Superior was the perfect resting / eating spot on their trip up north. Ultimately these birds will end up on the northern shores of the Arctic Ocean in Canada.

Semipalmated Plovers
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