Days 220 to 222: The Birds of NorthStar Lake

Molly and I are slowly working our way west to start our Glaciers to the Sea Bike Tour. Our first stop on our drive to our bike tour starting point is our small cabin on NorthStar Lake near the Canadian border in northern Minnesota. Over the past three days we have enjoyed quiet time with friends, and of course … birds! As most of the song birds have already migrated south out of the area this Labor Day Weekend, I have focused myself on birds that utilize the lake itself to live and feed.

I was particularly pleased to photograph the bald eagle this morning. Three years ago the pine tree where are resident eagles had nested for over 20 years blew down in a big storm. This Summer a new pair moved into a nearbye white pine. Hopefully these two eagles will also raise many happy eaglets over the upcoming years just a few hundred yards from our cabin.

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Day 220: Tongued Yodeling Common Loon




Day 221: Common Mergansers in the Reeds



Day 222: Lord of the Realm



Our Planned Bike Tour Route: If you would like to follow our tour, please browse to my main blog at which will link you to Molly’s and my trip diaries.


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