My wife and I are in the middle of a 1,500 mile self – supported bike tour which started near Glacier National Park and routes us down to the Oregon Coast via various river systems and the high plateau. Upon reaching the Oregon coast near Eugene, Oregon we will swing up the Pacific to Seattle where the biking portion of our trip will finish (bike trip diaries). The first ten days of our trip have seen his biking through areas where the average annual rainfall is less than 10 inches. The birds that survive this climate tend to locate near water sources … thus like back home in Minnesota … find the water and food sources … find the birds.
Thus, here are my daily birds of the American West. As we have now reached the Columbia River in Richland, Washington, water is once again in abundance. Click or press upon any image to view at full size.
Day 226: Magpie on a fence post
Day 227: Golden Eagle
Day 228: Osprey at sunrise on the Clark Fork River
Day 229: The Cormorants of Lake Pend Oreille
Day 230: Osprey along the Pend Oreille River
Day 231: Eurasian Turtle Dove
Day 232: Grand Coulee Dam Robin
Day 233: Spring Canyon Campground California Quail
Day 234: Killdeer and friend at dawn on Soap Lake
Day 235: American Kestrel