Our long bike tour continues which started near Glacier National Park. After going as far south as Eugene, Oregon to visit my brother we have now reached the Pacific Coast and turned north towards Seattle. You may learn about our bicycle travels via my trip diary found upon the Crazy Guy on a Bike Portal. Here are the birds photographed while biking up the coast.
Day 245: Sleeping Seagulls
Day 246: Cormorant Rock
Day 247: Please Do Not Feed the Birds!
Day 248: Great White Egret
Day 249: An Itch! (Great Blue Heron)
Day 250: Greater White Fronted Geese / Cackling Geese (Arctic Migrants)
Day 251: Blue Winged Teal on Flight
Day 252: Harbor Posts
Day 253: Song Sparrow
Day 254: Spirit Birds
Day 255: Cormorant Harbor