Day 291: White on White during White Bird Photography!

Decided today was a great day to try photographing “white on white during white!” Thus, I drove up to Two Harbors from Duluth (a challenge in itself given our major winter snowstorm in progress), and hoped I could track down the Snow Geese and Ross’s Geese which have been hanging around the area. When zero birds were viewable from the car, I decided hiking was in order and trudged into the snowstorm in hopes I would find geese. After about 1/2 mile I heard honking … perhaps I would be in luck. About 1/4 mile further on I found hundreds of geese, but the question was if my “white friends” were among the multitude. After another 10 minutes of searching, I saw the Snow and Ross’s Geese fly overhead, and disappear into the snowstorm. Thankfully, they decided to come back and I was able to do my “white on white during white” photos!

The Snow Geese and Ross’s Geese
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Some Herring Gulls and a Cackling Goose get into the act!
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