Today I led a team in northern Minnesota as part of the Audubon Societies Christmas Bird Count. We were given an area and go told to count the local birds. Please understand that in the Northwoods in the winter, the number of birds is greatly reduced and the weather during the count can be sub-optimal!
Our count totals: 233 individual birds
- Bald Eagle: 1
- Black-Capped Chickadee: 17
- Blue Jay: 1
- Common Crow: 30
- Common Raven: 33
- Common Redpolls: 132
- Downy Woodpecker: 1
- Pileated Woodpecker: 1
- Purple Finch: 17
- Red-Breasted Nuthatch: 3
- View this project’s Flickr photo stream. (click upon images to view at full size / resolution)
Black-Capped Chickadee (one of the birds we counted)
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