Today’s decent light rapidly evaporated as northern Minnesota awaits the arrival of an Alberta Clipper and a winter storm. By the time I got around to bird photography today, the light was dim and the world was gloomy. Thankfully I can almost always count upon a black-capped chickadee to be present and allow me to continue my 365 bird photography project.
While I took today’s bird photograph with my Canon SX60, which I love given its zoom telephoto capability (see my review of this camera), I now also head out on my birding rounds with a second camera also in tow … my new Sony NEX-5T mirrorless camera.
My initial impressions of this camera are very favorable. My goal in the purchase of this camera was to have a device in my kit which would excel for landscape and low light / night time photography. Sony’s mirrorless systems have been noted for excelling in the low light arena. While I am still learning the camera, and have not had the opportunity yet to photograph the Northern Lights, I am pleased with the results.
- View this project’s Flickr photo stream. (click upon images to view at full size / resolution)
Today’s Bird … photo taken with my Canon SX60 camera
Low light photos taken since Christmas Day with my Sony NEX-5T camera
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