Sharp-Tailed Grouse (Yr. 2: Day 33)

Share Saz-Zim Bog with a friend! Better yet, bring along two Lutheran pastors and hope some divine intervention will help your birding results! 🙂

Pastor Greg, Pastor John and I spent a delightful, productive day at the bog. We made the decision not to try for a great gray owl which would have required us to reach the bog by 6:45 am. Given the temperature was -17F, we waited for it to warm up a touch and did not reach the bog till about 8:20 a.m. when the sunny skies had warmed the area to -11F!

From the start we had a good time by seeing a small flock of sharp-tailed grouse. the grouse are located about 1.5 miles south of the Welcome Center. I have found these grouse may easily be found within 1.5 hours of sunrise, but later in the day it gets dicey. Checking out a number of other known hot spots we were able to get good looks at:

  • Black Billed Magpies
  • Boreal Chickadees
  • Evening Grosbeaks
  • Grey Jays

In addition we saw all of the usual suspects! In short, a good day birding with friends.

Sharp-Tailed Grouse
Y2-D033-Sharp-Tailed-Grouse-2 Y2-D033-Sharp-Tailed-Grouse-3


Evening Grosbeak

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