Love is in the Air: Sharp-Tailed Grouse Courting (Yr. 2: Day 45)

Today, March 7th, the day finally dawned with the temperature not below zero. In fact, when I left for Sax-Zim Bog in the pre-dawn darkness, it was a balmy 28F! Apparently everyone, including the Sharp-Tailed Grouse enjoyed the warmer weather. Shortly after sunrise I found some courting going on! Given I had never seen grouse dance, this was a special morning for me. Sax-Zim Bog is always worth the trip of 50 miles from my home. I also volunteer at the Bog Welcome Center. Stop in and say “hello”. We are open for the winter season through Sunday, March 15th. I am volunteering both days next weekend.

Sharp-Tailed Grouse Courting Display


Another Grouse, but not Courting


Photographic opportunities have not been restricted to sunrise. I call this photo “Ice Planet Moonrise“. The scene is the frozen expanse of Lake Superior near Duluth two nights ago.

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