Breakfast at the Duck Pond! (Year 2, Month 5)

When birding in the Duluth area, most folks will visit the normal spots:

  • Sax-Zim Bog in hopes of seeing a Great Grey Owl
  • Western Waterfront Trail for shorebirds and waterfowl
  • Scenic 61 for ducks
    (see my blog page on Northern Minnesota Birding Locations)

However, one would be remiss if a trip to the “duck pond” was not included. Locals know this site and visit early in the morning, or a bit before sundown. The pond (actually two) is at the Forest Hill Cemetery in Duluth. It has a resident population of domestic geese, and a constant wild population of mallards and Canada geese. In the old adage, birds attract birds, other birds will often stop at the pond for a day or two … sometimes longer.

This morning I had the pleasure of watching a hooded merganser and a spotted sandpiper. The road right next to the pond allows one to “sneak up” of the birds while using the car as a photographer’s blind. Thus, here are my breakfast birds!

Hooded Merganser
Y2-M05-Hooded-Merganser-1a Y2-M05-Hooded-Merganser-2a


Spotted Sandpiper

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