New Life … A Precious Gift!

Monday my third grandchild was born, Isabel!

It appears the animal kingdom also celebrated Isabel’s birth. Today while stretched out on the couch, a fawn looked in the living room window at me. Slowly getting out of the chair, I discovered triplets!

Amazingly enough just one hour before the deer family visit, I had photographers the common merganser family while on a bike along the North Shore of Lake Superior. Life is good … and in three’s (three grandchildren, three fawns, and nine merganser chicks or 3×3!)

Thankfully Isabel was born at the hospital, unlike her sister Mya (born at home). Must be something about Hoeg women. When our second child was born, my wife, Molly, went to the doctor’s office for a regularly scheduled appointment. The nursing staff asked my wife: “Don’t you realize you are in labor?” My wife’s answer: “No”. Carl Hoeg was born shortly thereafter. This exact scenario was repeated on Monday with my daughter Karen, and now her new daughter, Isabel. New life is precious!












The Deer Triplets and Merganser Chicks x9!
Y2-M07-Deer-Triplets-1 Y2-M07-Common-Merganser-Brood

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