Aurora Borealis Bird Song!

Great night in northern Minnesota. My Aurora app went off last night and awakened me shortly before 2 am. (set for Kp of 5). Knowing that the moon would set shortly, and Ovation looked decent, I threw on some clothes and drove north to Boulder Lake (30 miles north of Duluth) arriving around 2:45 am.

I was rewarded! The Aurora danced and was easily viewable with the naked eye. Given the moon was down, it was very, very dark. This allowed me to even see faint red with my own eye.

While I was taking this photo the loons were going wild. Every loon for miles around was calling out through the night. In addition, an owl was hooting behind me! Very cool. Both man and bird were impressed with the celestial show!

Most of these photos had these settings … ISO:1600, Aperture:3.5 (wide open for my camera, a Sony NEX-5T mirrorless), and an Exposure of 15 seconds. This photo also uses the “kit lens” which came with my Sony.

It was 40F and damp when I finished up a bit after 4 am. Ground fog was starting to form; shorts and a wool sweater were not sufficient warmth. However, there was no way while the Northern Lights were dancing that I was going to give up and hike back to the car.

Oh yes … I’m still photographing birds! The hawk migration has started, and I found this Merlin while bicycling along Lake Superior yesterday afternoon (last image of this post)

View my Northern Lights photographs via Flickr

Northern Lights & Big Dipper Over Boulder Lake


The Ghost of Boulder Lake


Two More Images from Last Night
Northern-Lights-Boulder-Lake-04-Aug-2015-Island-Leaning-Pines Northern-Lights-Boulder-Lake-07-Aug-2015-Dock-Selfie


The Promised Merlin

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