As Thanksgiving Weekend 2015 ends, I feel obligated to tell about how my wife and I went “Black Friday Birding” in northern Minnesota! Neither of us are shoppers, and Amazon Prime is a great tool which delivers in two days to our doorstep. When Black Friday dawned with deep blue, crystal clear skies, we could not resist a trip to the store.
However, in our case we decided a trip to the store meant a trip via backroads to Ely, Minnesota near the Canadian border. Yes, we braved the crowds of Ely to purchase Steger Mukluks. Will Steger is an explorer who wore his own mukluks to the Arctic and Antarctic. The boots are rated to -20F. Bring on the cold Minnesota winter!
Oh yes … we did see some pine grosbeaks and some bald eagles. Life is good. Enjoy the photos. New York City this ain’t!
On our way to Ely … stopped at Stoney River
Buying our Mukluks … note all the crowds on the sidewalk
This Bald Eagle approved of our Black Friday expedition
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Great Iron Range sense of humor…
warms the soul if not the feet…need
Mukluks for that!!