Gunflint Trail Ice Palace!

Ten days before Christmas this winter, northern Minnesota had a heavy wet snow followed by a rapid depth charging of the temperature. A few days later without a full melt, this process was repeated. The end result is the pine trees of northeastern Minnesota are flocked with snow and ice in a manner never seen before in my lifetime. Normally, within a few days or at most a week, the snow / ice falls from the trees. We are now over one month later and the flocking appears to be here for the rest of the winter. Although I thought the forests near Duluth were gorgeous, I did not realize the majesty of the beauty up on the Gunflint Trail. Along with another couple, Molly and I drove up from Duluth to enjoy a few days of Nordic skiing and relaxation in the remote wilderness of the Gunflint. Lots of layers of clothes were required as most mornings the temperatures hovered between -10F and -20F. Frankly,  it was too darn cold for skiing till around noon, but that did not stop me from going birding and doing short hikes from the car. For those of you who have never experienced temperature conditions like these, understand a car’s heater never really has a chance … and it is worth wearing long underwear for inside the car! It’s cold.

Here are a few photographs from my trip … (view my wife’s post & photos)

Was Not Worried About Forest Fires! Smokey the Bear was Diligent!


The Scene that greeted us upon arrival upon the Gunflint Trail!


Birds out our window at Bearskin Lodge … sunflower seeds provided by me!
Y3-M01-Gunflint-Trail-Gray-Jay Y3-M01-Gunflint-Trail-Hairy-Woodpecker


Photos from my photography hike … -19F plus windchill (-28F)
Y3-M01-Gunflint-Trail-Winter-Wonder-Trail Y3-M01-Gunflint-Trail-Snow-Canyon-Palace


Good “warm” times at Trail Center Lodge for dinner (a true backwoods experience)
Y3-M01-Trail-Center-Lodge-Gunflint-Trail-Bar Y3-M01-Trail-Center-Lodge-Gunflint-Trail-Couples


Bald Eagle enjoying Road Kill Cafe on the drive home

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One thought on “Gunflint Trail Ice Palace!

  1. Beautiful photos. Thanks for the look at the Gunflint Trail area, our home away from home (we have a cabin on Birch Lake, just up the road a bit from Trail Center, but have not been up there since mid-December).

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