Ice Pack Goldeneye Edges Out Sleeping Snowy in the Snow

Ice Pack Snowstorm Goldeneye leads off day #1 of my 7 Day Nature Photography Challenge and edges out Sleeping Snowy Owl in the Snow!

Here in northern Minnesota fellow photographers are challenging each other to the 7 Day Nature Photography Challenge which requires one to post an nature image every day (current or old picture). I have tweaked the 7 Day Nature Photography Challenge in that I am requiring all my images to be from the current day. The challenge was actually welcome as I was bemoaning the weather forecast which has 7+ days straight of cloudy, snowy weather … not a photographer’s friend. Now I look at the forecast as a challenge and fun activity!

Thus, here are today’s winner and loser … as selected & photographed by me during today’s snowstorm. Both birds were cooperative both in terms of being almost motionless which was a major plus given the low light, and that they stayed in place long enough for me to use manual focus (auto focus might have bounced off the snowflakes).

Ice Pack Goldeneye in a Snowstorm


Sleeping Snowy in a Snowstorm

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