My Nemesis Bird: Bohemian Waxwings

All winter long I have wanted to observe and photograph Bohemian Waxwings. Although I have checked out countless crab apple and mountain ash trees, I always found pine grosbeaks, and never the Bohemians. As these flocks will denude a tree of fruit in one day, finding a good tree doesn’t help much. Literally … here today, gone tomorrow. Thus, while birding reports are useful, these flocks move around.

This morning I finally spied my nemesis, albeit from a distance. Perhaps if I am lucky I’ll find this flock again. I know where there are crab apple trees with fruit just waiting to be eaten. For you Duluth folks, these birds are hanging out near Bagley Nature Area (history) where I believe they spend the late afternoon and nights. For the past two days I have briefly found them feeding along Arrowhead Rd. (Valhalla Drive area).

My Bohemians
Y3-M02-Bohemian-Waxwings-1 Y3-M02-Bohemian-Waxwings-2


What I normally see … Pine Grosbeak (also found this morning).  Please do not misinterpret this post. I like the grosbeaks, but they have been easier for me to find this winter.

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One thought on “My Nemesis Bird: Bohemian Waxwings

  1. Your Biking and cross country skiing sure do help you get to all these stops don’t they. I really wish I would have paid attention to the location you referred me to the very day you mentioned it. Some of my friends made it over there and got some amazing shots. Me….not a one! So disappointed. But I’ll be ready next time. Just ordered a 70-400mm lens to extend my reach with the Sony. Now Roy and I will be again Competing for long distance shots. Getting ready to travel out west. As soon as I can start walking longer distances again. Looking to start working out at a center in the next month here….tread mill and swimming here I come! 🙂

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