An Explosion of Color!

Even before the Spring rains come to green up the Northwoods, there is lots of color waiting for the person who is willing to invest time in the watching … and listening! The color started yesterday when I started hearing … pound, pound, pound! For the next nine hours, and then restarting at 5:30 am this morning, a pair of Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers declared out wooded lot their home turf! Amazingly, I never quite knew how the sapsuckers listened for a response. Take a look at the photos. The birds put their ear right against the tree.

The tour of color continued yesterday evening with moonrise over Lake Superior. Although it may be spring, a gorgeous harvest moon came up over the big lake. Finally, these morning I was amazed while birding on Rossini Road. This beautiful splash of yellow and black was in an unusual location! I had never seen a meadowlark deep in the Northwoods. Pine forests, and not meadows are what we tend to have in abundance.

Rossini Road Eastern Meadowlark
Y3-M04-Rossini-Road-Eastern-Meadowlark-2 Y3-M04-Rossini-Road-Eastern-Meadowlark-3 Y3-M04-Rossini-Road-Eastern-Meadowlark-4


Moonrise Over Lake Superior – Old Duluth Central High School
(see the next post for yesterday’s moonrise at Canal Park)


Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers Setting Their Territory
Y3-M04-Yellow-Bellied-Sapsucker-04 Y3-M04-Yellow-Bellied-Sapsucker-11-Listening Y3-M04-Yellow-Bellied-Sapsucker-10-Listening

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