Saturday morning I hiked in a wilderness area 25 miles north of Duluth. In the shaded areas which were protected from the afternoon sun, snow was still to be found in the deep forest. The plants were brown, and warm weather seemed an impassibility. While some Summer migrants have returned to the Northwoods, Lake Superior’s cold waters dictate many birds making the decision to stay south of our area. However, the yellow-shafted flickers had returned from their winter trip down south, and it was fun to watch them enjoy the morning sun, and sing out for a mate (see video).
Saturday afternoon, Molly and I drove 175 miles south to the Minneapolis area. In addition to visiting friends and family, we were astounded to find blossoming trees, leaves bursting out, and temperatures in the 60’s and 70’s. Lake Superior and her cold winds seemed like another world.
I had time for some birding while down south … both in a local Hennepin County Park (French Park), and a bit northwest of the Twin Cities (Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge). It was fun to see all the summer birds, listen to their song, and enjoy warm weather … shorts were the dress code of the day! Hope you enjoy the photographs.
Yellow-Shafted Flicker … Sing Out to the Morning!
All birds below this point were found in southern Minnesota!
Eastern Meadowlark … Sing out to Spring!
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Great pictures as usual! I’m still struggling with the SX60 but every now and again get a picture I am pleased with. Isn’t your Solitary Sandpiper actually a Lesser Yellowlegs?