Sing Out to Summer Reprise: Yellow Warbler!

Are you a golden hour snob? I have to admit over the past few years I have become such a beast. I tend to go birding right around sunrise. If I can’t get decent photos, I bemoan my fate and wait for the sun to work its way through the sky to its evening positions.

Today was different. Due to some stressful meetings in which I had participated, and even though I had already taken a bike ride up the shore of Lake Superior, I realized I needed to spend more time outdoors. Thus, although the sun was essentially 100% overhead at 2 pm with glaring light, I took a hike along the Western Waterfront Trail in Duluth.

Not only did I have a good time, but I captured some fun photographs of a number of Yellow Warblers … in the glaring light. Shame on me. Are you a golden hour snob?

Yellow Warbler in the Glaring Midday Light!
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One thought on “Sing Out to Summer Reprise: Yellow Warbler!

  1. Golden Hour Photography is my granddaughter’s business, (she’s 22) and it is a part-time activity. She started it in her senior year at Armstrong, taking graduation photos and now does lots of weddings. So the name has legs.

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