Rocky Mountain High: Calliope Hummingbird

Sunday’s thunder storms brought a rare visitor to Duluth, Minnesota at the head of Lake Superior. For only the second time in known history a visit by a Calliope Hummingbird has graced our state, and the first male in full breeding plumage! This bird should be hanging out in the Rocky Mountains, or even further west. (Cornell Ornithology Lab Information)

Actually it’s kind of amazing this small bird was even found. It’s hanging out at the end of Park Point in an area with tons of blooming shrubs, and some protection from Lake Superior’s strong northeast winds. Quite the celebrity … this little bird … while I was there four people from the Twin Cities arrived (175 miles to our south) just in the hopes of seeing this beautiful bird.

Calliope Hummingbird (2 Videos … preening and sitting … the bouncing branches courtesy of Lake Superior’s strong winds, even in a protected thicket)


Some still images of the Calliope Hummingbird
Y3-M06-Calliiope-Humingbird-1. Y3-M06-Calliiope-Humingbird-2. Y3-M06-Calliiope-Humingbird-4.


Finally … An American Redstart (lots of color in the Northwoods!)

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