Although I love bike touring, I did miss the ability to make trips out into the wilderness in search of unique birds and neat photographic conditions. Even though my wife and I only arrived home late yesterday afternoon, I was away from the house one hour before sunrise this morning (6:25 am) such that I could reach the Pagami Creek Wildfire Region which is NW of Isabella, Minnesota early in the morning (i.e. when birds are actively feeding). This area burned back in 2012 and now is a great wilderness area where one enjoys experiencing how natures rejuvenates itself.
I scored two species of birds which are difficult to find, Spruce Grouse (saw four and photographed two unique birds) and Lapland Longspurs. The longspurs are a lifer for me. To reach this forest fire area I had to drive 60 miles north of Duluth, and then follow a 20 mile logging road deep into the wilderness. It was worth the effort. I had been hoping for bright skies which had been forecast, but instead the weather delivered was clouds, temperatures just above freezing and even some light snow on the ground in places!
Here are a few pics from this morning.
Lapland Longspur (immature)
Spruce Grouse
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Congrats on the life bird Richard. The Spruce Grouse would be a life bird for me. I missed out on the opportunity to see one in Canada as I took a different trail than the others to the lake we were fishing. Oh well, that is the thrill of birding for me, the opportunities that await me.
I’m glad you and Molly made it back home safely. I enjoyed both of your blogging updates daily and the various pictures. The two of you are inspirational and seem to be enjoying retirement fully.
Take care and prepare for the cold months of birding ahead. I look forward to the stories.