Harbor Night Lights!

The weather has been dreary, and the birds have been few. Thus, when God gives you lemons, make lemonade! With that thought in mind I decided to work on low light photography, and shortly after 5 am this morning (2 hours 15 minutes before sunrise) I was down on the Duluth waterfront. I wanted to play around with camera settings and see what I could accomplish during the dark … both in terms of “stopping the action”, but having enough light for an interesting photograph.

From advance knowledge (Duluth Shipping News) I knew the Philip Clarke would be steaming out of the harbor and under Duluth’s High Bridge early this morning. When my marine app showed it had begun its trip I hastened down and walked out onto the Old Interstate Bridge (circa 1897). A few spans from this historic bridge still exist which allow one to walk almost out to the shipping channel.

This image was the result: (the sun returns tomorrow, and hopefully some birding photography opportunities)

  • ISO = 3,200
  • Aperture = 2.0
  • Exposure = 1/50th of second
  • Focus = Infinity


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