Many folks upon seeing a Cackling Goose would exclaim: “Wow, a midget Canada Goose!”, but they would be wrong. Let me introduce you to the Cackling Goose (learn more via Cornell), a totally different species which is the size of a large mallard, but looks like a small Canada Goose. I found this specimen this morning in Two Harbors, Minnesota hanging out with its larger cousins.
In addition, I am adding some non-bird photographs from the past few days. The first two images are from my trip/hike yesterday into the heart of the Superior National Forest. Given its deer hunting season, I am wearing bright red. When hunting season ends I’ll go back to camowear. The river scene shows the forest fireburnt out white pines.
The final image shows testing of the large Christmas tree at Bentleyville. The holiday lighting display is the largest in America. Admission is free and one may even have hot chocolate, visit Santa or toast marshmellow … right down on the waterfront.
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