Northern Magic 2017 Calendar

Would you like the perfect Christmas stocking stuffer? Warning, the Northern Magic 2017 does NOT come with any ginsu knives, but only costs $12.50 per calendar. This price includes shipping, and essentially covers my cost.

The cover is a photograph I took of Crisp Point Lighthouse during October of this year while Molly and I were serving as lighthouse keepers. Crisp Point is located on the eastern end of Lake Superior approximately 14 miles before Whitefish Point. The Edmund Fitzgerald sunk seven miles off this light.

Post Update: People have asked to see the 12 monthly images. Follow this link and all 12 months will be display. On the actual calendar there are captions for each image.


Purchase and provide your shipping address via PayPal.

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Sold Out!

Stay tuned. There may be another shipment depending upon interest.


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3 thoughts on “Northern Magic 2017 Calendar

    1. Using PayPal is fairly easy. Via their business tools, one works through a few questions which provides PayPal what is your desired price, and whether you need a shipping address. At the end of the process I received some html code to generate the button found on my website. PayPal handles the financial side of the transaction and keeps records of everything. I need to physically send ithe calendars. They do not handle the actual shipment. I am even able to direct people to a Than You page when they have processed their payment.

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