Catbirds and Costa Rica!

Before the thunderstorms rolled in this morning, I made a quick foray onto the Western Waterfront Trail. I immediately found a Catbird which for a change was not deep in a thicket. When the rains came, I drove home and worked on my Birds of Las Catalinas, Costa Rica web page.

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2 thoughts on “Catbirds and Costa Rica!

  1. I’m seriously considering moving to Costa Rica from SW Connecticut. So happy to know that there’s a catbird population there. Are they present in the entire country? Which time of year?

    1. Sorry … I was working on my book after I got home from Costa Rica. I never saw any catbirds while on my vacation. These are the birds I did see in the dry forest habitat on the western side of the country near the ocean. The book is a downloadable pdf file which I have provided without charge.

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