Why Did the Upland Sandpiper Cross the Road?

Why … to see the Bobolink! I know, pretty bad, but it was a good days birding two days ago over at the Wisconsin Grasslands along Wisconsin #13 in the Cloverland area. Many of the birds have recently hatched young, which means the parents need to spend a significantly increased amount of time hunting for food. This in turn, makes the birds easier to find and photograph.

This scenario resulted in my finding a relatively rare group of about eight Upland Sandpipers. One hour after sunrise two families of sandpipers, including chicks, were feeding along the side of Wisconsin #13 between Windy and Jack Pine Roads. These birds have seen their numbers decrease over the years due to both hunting and habitat loss (grasslands).

First … my Upland Sandpipers and the Bobolinks

A Cedar Waxwing already finding some berries.


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