In Between Gigs!

This afternoon I arrived home in Duluth after two days in the car driving back from Kentucky. Helping to lead the bike tour was fun, but that long a period in the car demanded exercise upon reaching home. Thankfully northern Minnesota did not disappoint and my I was presented with bright sunny skies, and stiff winds off Lake Superior.  After unpacking the car I hopped on my bike and headed up the shore.

My first impression was “juncos have arrived”! Yes, more northern birds have dropped down from Canada. It won’t be long before migration is over with except for late arriving hawks and early winter owls.  It was nice to give my camera a workout. While on bike tour I did not have time to take many photographs. Our garden’s one Woods Pink Aster which is still blossoming was a major attraction for Painted Lady butterflies.

It is good to be home, if only for  a couple of days. Soon it will be time to head off to the other end of Lake Superior for Molly and my lighthouse keeping gig.

Painted Ladies on Woods Pink Aster

Slate Colored Junco Enjoying the Fall Colors

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One thought on “In Between Gigs!

  1. Glad you made it home safely Richard. Enjoy the next week of solitude and time with Molly. Take many picture and share when you return to modern civilization.

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