Everyone said visit Madera Canyon, which is a north facing gorgeous canyon / mountain area about 35 miles north of the Mexican border with Arizona. The fact that it is both north facing and at a higher elevation means the climate is much cooler than in nearby Tucson, and one finds “exotics” in terms of birds which cross over from Mexico. Many of these birds are not found anywhere else in the United States. In addition to the USFS web site previously linked in this post, check out the Friends of Madera Canyon organization web.
Our visit towards the end of February was not idea for birding, as most birds wait till Spring and life giving rains before they return to the canyon, but we still had a great time and saw some neat birds. The hiking was also gorgeous.
Yellow-Eyed Junco (lifer) (a bird with a serious attitude!)
Here are the details of our seven mile hike starting from the first picnic area … Proctor Road. Our elevation gain during the hike was about 1,600 feet.
Finally I have to include two photos I took this morning when I took a bike ride from Catalina State Park, another great location. Unlike yesterday’s hike, in 90 minutes of cycling this morning I only gained about 70 feet in elevation … definitely down in the flatlands, but with some nice vistas.
Early Morning Great Horned Owl
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Saw an Acorn woodpecker in Yosemite a few years back