Boreal Bonanza!

Home! Texas was great, but I love the Boreal forests of northern Minnesota … and the lakes! As I got closer and closer to Duluth, I became increasingly excited. Between our tour and the birth of our fifth grandson, Molly and I had been gone for over five weeks. Before even getting home, I went birding!

The melt waters have filled the North Shore rivers of Lake Superior to the brim with rushing water. This runoff causes the fish which have been staging for a spring spawning run to enter the streams and rivers. The mouth of the Lester River is only 800 yards from my house and it was a duck lovers delight. I saw 36 Common Loon and 12 Great Horned Grebe in just a few minutes. In addition, small inland ponds were filled with diving ducks which eat food other than fish!

Finally, my own yard is being invaded my migrants. Have to love spring migration!

Great Horned Grebe

Blue-Winged Teal


Ring-Necked Ducks

Yellow-Shafted Flicker

Pine Warbler (1st warbler of the year!)

Merlin (part of a duo patrolling the Lester River … song birds beware)

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One thought on “Boreal Bonanza!

  1. Welcome home. The travel photos are wonderful, but your local celebration of spring in the northland are exceptionally inspirational for us local folks. Hope your travel legs, seat and lungs recover from so many miles on the bikes. Remind your readers of the upcoming Nw WI birding festival in a couple of weeks. Happy ice-out! Haven’t heard an inland loon yet but the swans & sandhill cranes are calling.

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