Birding Luck!

When birding even with great knowledge of habitat, one should never underestimate the value of luck! Over the past two days Lady Luck has been kind to me. At times I can drive the back roads, and hike remote trails and see almost nothing, but then there are times when you just get lucky.

Yesterday, when I noticed on weather radar that the heavy rains would be ending soon, I quickly decided to head over to Sax-Zim Bog. I only saw one other birder, and beyond that two other cars. Given the birder was out of his car and had binoculars glued to the sky, I stopped.

Connecticut Warbler! This little bird is one of the hardest to find warblers in North America. Its numbers have fallen over the past two decades, and its preferred nesting location is in the middle of tamarack bogs. These two facts make finding this little guy difficult, but this Mr. Connecticut was singing his heart out at the top of a pine tree. My thanks to Steve Clark who had been looking for this warbler for well over a day. Me, I just stumbled upon him and his find. Here is the eBird report which gives the location. I really believe this warbler has a nest near by, and will stay in the same basic area for a few weeks.

Bog Birds: Connecticut Warbler and Eastern Kingbird

Today, I drove south to attend a wedding. I only had a few minutes to bird at the Fish Lake Nature Trails. Once again, luck was with me. This Red-Headed Woodpecker immediately greeted me and posed nicely for a photo.

As noted, birding knowledge is great, but I will take luck anytime!

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2 thoughts on “Birding Luck!

  1. Rich, exactly how I felt when I stumbled (almost literally) upon you in the Bog while you not only had a Black-backed Woodpecker but also an American Three-toed Woodpecker in your sights! A believe we both had a lifer that day.

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