Morning on the Ridge!

Yesterday I started to head to my favorite wetlands in Wisconsin, but when I reached Lake Superior (only 600 yards from my house) and looked across the lake, it looked like fog had socked in NW Wisconsin. Not wanting to leave my beautiful clear blue sky area, I quickly adjusted. For ten minutes I watched six Common Mergansers at the Mouth of the Lester River, and then headed up to Hawk Ridge.

Early Morning Mergansers

While Hawk Ridge is known for its raptor migration, in the Summer it is a great place for songbirds. Two birds which rarely come out of the deep cover, were kind enough to pose for my camera. Both birds first attracted my presence by their early morning song.

Common Yellowthroat


My good luck continued this morning during a trip to Sax-Zim Bog. While I have no photographs, I saw my first ever Black Fox. I did not even know this coloration of a red fox existed. I needed to talk within someone who had more knowledge that me to confirm what I had seen with my eyes. I measured exactly the distance to a particular landmark such that I have this foxes territory now defined! Cool!

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