365 Days of Birds Now “https” Compliant

Not a very exciting post, but I implemented enhanced site security today for this blog. If you have bookmarks on your computer or mobile device, replace the “http” with “https” in my web address and rebookmark. This will serve up content to you in a more secure manner.

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2 thoughts on “365 Days of Birds Now “https” Compliant

  1. Richard..Im sorry I have to put this here but dont know how else to contact you..Im an avid birder who has dropped her $600 Nikon binocs and need repair..I dont know where to go for repair..Nikon says to send them to LA,Calif..I think there must be a closer place either in Duluth or Mpls..im desperate without my binocs and ask you to help ASAP..thanks..also really have appreciated your emails!! would love to go birding sometime with you…Thanks for your immediate attention to this ..Sally

    1. For anyone finding themselves with expensive broken optics who lives in the Minneapolis region, I would recommend National Camera Exchange in Golden Valley on Hwy #55. Even if they are not able to fix your camera or binoculars, the staff is extremely knowledgeable and may be able to help you. They also have locations in Edina, Burnsville and Roseville.

      As a fyi … I did respond privately to Sally when she first posted her comment. As I was camping for the past several days, posting to my blog was not possible.

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