There were black heads! Yup, Red-Headed Woodpeckers have to wait to get their brilliant scarlet heads. When these chicks first fledge they do not win beauty contests when compared to their parents, but their day will come. I had been monitoring this woodpecker family for a few weeks, and although I never found their nest hole, I knew their haunts. I first had to wait for the Lake Superior fog to burn off this morning.
In addition to visiting Cloverland this morning, over the past few days I have been back to the duck pong to check on my Green Heron chicks many times. As the winter migration of shore birds is beginning, I also have to keep my eyes open for new arrivals. Yesterday morning it was a few Sanderlings, and in the afternoon a Solitary Sandpiper. Birding should improve in terms of species as the winter migration gets going. The heron chicks are starting to look less dorky! No ID is necessary for the the final duck pong bird.
On this afternoon’s bike ride, my Talmedge River Belted Kingfisher was sitting it her normal spot on a tree in the fog!
Finally, Turkey Vultures can also be beautiful, particularly when one photographs them just a few minutes after sunrise (image taken during last week’s trip over to Cloverland).
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