Castle Danger Birding

Yesterday morning, I finally had the opportunity to head out birding for the first time in several days. Both a paid photography assignment and shutting down my cabin’s water system for the winter have been my priorities. (Note to self: Wading into the water in a lake  that flows north to Hudson’s Bay in late October is dumb, and very, very cold).

Thankfully for me, if not the birds, the winds blew out of the south yesterday warming the northern Minnesota boreal forest. I decided to head up to Castle Danger, and then a bit inland to the Silver Creek area. I knew that migration would be on hold as birds would not be interested in flying against the strong southern wind. This is the same area where I hand captured / rescued Silver the Snowy Owl last Fall on October 30th. Soon Snowy Owls will invade the Northland for another winter.

Regardless, Castle Danger did not disappoint. I found lots of birds taking advantage of ponds which still had insects. Here are some of my image captures.

Rusty Blackbird

Lapland Longspur

Rusty Blackbird and Pectoral Sandpiper

Pectoral Sandpiper and Dunlin


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2 thoughts on “Castle Danger Birding

  1. Thank you so much for helping us amateurs identify birds from this region. Your photos are much better than many bird books which helps indentifying these birds. Again, thank you very much!

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