Looking for a special free family event which reminds oneself of an earlier time when folks understood what makes life special? Attend holiday train! What could be better than watching a locomotive and its cars all decked out with Christmas lights chug into town and then have the box car door fold down and yield a free 1/2 hour concert by nationally known acts?
Canadian Pacific’s two holiday trains will be travelling across southern Canada and the northern United States over the next two weeks. Make it part of your new holiday tradition. Next weekend I will be in Nipigon, Ontario along the North Shore of Lake Superior enjoying the spectacle. Although the event is free, a donation of food for the local food shelf is greatly appreciated. (see schedule for the USA and Canada)
Last year saw me watching the Holiday Train in the small prairie town of Plummer, Minnesota. Molly wrote an article for the Lake Country Journal and I provided the photographs. This image of mine is currently their web site’s home view.
Some views of the train and last year’s concert in Plummer.
This year’s routes … (see schedule for the USA and Canada)
Watch a short video from last year’s concert
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