Owl Song!

Very cool! Last night when I arrived home from watching this Snowy Owl, and while loading photographs onto my computer, I heard owl song outside. Yup, Mr. and Mrs. Great Horned Owl while hunting the Amity Creek Ravine right across from my yard decided to serenade each other. I put on my winter parka and went outside and listened to the duet for about five minutes!

It was an owly night in the Northland! I need to get an audio recording app for my smartphone. I have heard all kinds of owls sing, and can identify the following owls by sound: Barred Owls, Great Gray Owls, Great Horned Owl, Northern Hawk Owls and Snowy Owls (more of a clicking and screeching).

Main takeaway from these photos … if you are a vole, you are in BIG trouble!

And a short video of the owl hunting

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