Bohemian Birds!

As in waxwings … the latest in my sub-Arctic birds seem to be arriving in the Duluth area. Given Lake Superior is 100% iced over in our neck of the woods, my friends should feel right at home. Yesterday morning I watched a flock of over 200 Bohemian Waxwings undulate through the sky, occasionally stopping in some preferred tree to eat.

These are the best photographs I could get. It was early morning with thin clouds, not the best for photography/ However, the best time to find any bird is to get out early when my fine feathered friends will want to feed. Given the cold temperature (about 7F), the waxwings were all puffed up against the cold. I tired to refind them this afternoon when the sun finally popped out, but nada.

Actually, my primary activity these days is shoveling (two 6+ inch dumps in the past four days, with another due to arrive after midnight) and cross-country skiing. The snow depths in the woods are amazing.

Bohemian Waxwings

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One thought on “Bohemian Birds!

  1. Ah, shoveling that white stuff is a chore so many of us folks are up to. 😎 Thanks for taking time out to photo those pretty waxwings. Along the St.Croix near Hudson, WI we are seeing MANY swans. So special.

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