Gray Jays Attacking a Northern Hawk Owl!

Sometimes the owls find you!
This morning I was taking a stroll down McDavitt Road in Sax-Zim Bog (crystal clear, no wind, and -12F). For about ten minutes I watched a Black Backed Woodpecker, and then directed my attention to some Gray Jays arriving on the scene (west side of road … 400 yards north of South Logging Road Trail).
At that point I heard a major commotion behind me, and saw that the Northern Hawk Owl had come out to hunt, which was not appreciated by another pair of Gray Jays which were on the east side of the road. Just a few minutes earlier I had watched these two jays, and there definitely was not an owl around … which led to this sequence of photos! (all from the same attack sequence)  I also saw Redpolls, a Hairy Woodpecker, and even the Black Backed Woodpecker decide to take bombing runs at the owl. However, the Gray Jays were by far the most persistent.
This morning’s events were just another reason I like to get out and walk! Better yet, this escapade was a private performance for me!
Gray Jay (Canada Jay) Attacking a Northern Hawk Owl
One Gray Jays takes a bow while the other sings out!
The Northern Hawk Owl eventually moved to this Black Spruce.

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3 thoughts on “Gray Jays Attacking a Northern Hawk Owl!

  1. When I was in my caravan on the other farm, behind an old abandoned house there were only living in the attic which was accessed from a door to outside although the stairs were no longer there. One evening the owl – a Western Barn Owl – came out while the ‘day shift’ – mostly sparrows and weavers – was still on duty. They mobbed him so violently they flung him against the wall of the house and almost stunned him. He managed to get his wits around him and fly off but it was a close call.

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