Yellow-Bellied Battleground!

Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers and Northern Flickers have returned to the Northwoods. While neither of these two woodpeckers will visit my suet feeders, they love my yard. While filling the feeders yesterday morning I realized a major disagreement was taking place overhead. One of my White Pine is a perfect drumming tree. Unfortunately for woodpecker #1 he did not attract a female, but instead another male showed up. For over five minutes they battled over what I mistakenly believe to be my yard! In fact, they gave me time to retreat inside, grab my camera and take a few photos. The Yellow-Bellied Woodpecker on the left won the battle, and continues to use the White Pine for drumming approximately every 60 minutes. Know where to find a good woman? Contact “Yellow”!

Happy Easter!

Yellow-Bellied Battleground

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3 thoughts on “Yellow-Bellied Battleground!

  1. I always enjoy your birding commentary and photos. If you want to keep the Northern Flickers coming to your backyard feeders try raw peanuts in a wire mesh feeder. All the woodpeckers seem to enjoy raw peanuts.

    1. My problem with using peanuts is the Northern Flickers would never get any! The Blue Jays, and even Nuthatches take them all within minutes of my having put them out.

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