Northstar Lake Thunder Storm

I took this photograph last night at 2 am just before a severe thunder storm hit our Northstar Lake cabin. Everyone is okay except for lost sleep. Could not capture a lightning bolt, but as the storm got closer I was not willing to be outside with my camera! The loudest thunder clap set every loon on the lake to wailing. Another big storm hit at 5 am.

The youngest grandchild slept through the entire event!

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2 thoughts on “Northstar Lake Thunder Storm

  1. Thunderstorms are awesome. Here in Albert we get them almost daily during the summer. Ominous dark clouds roll on, all hell breaks loose for the next half an hour to hour and then the sun is out again.

    1. I need more open vistas! Last fall I was camped at Theodore National Park as a thunder storm rolled in. Too cool, except for cowering in a pup tent later on. Here in “forest land”, it’s hard to get a good view. You need to post a pic to your blog!

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