Northstar Lake Eastern Kingbird Kids!

It is amazing where birds choose to nest. Yesterday morning while out kayaking on Northstar Lake, I found a Eastern Kingbird nest. While that fact may not seem unusual, where I found the nest was truly unique. The Kingbird couple chose a old logging railroad trestle bridge support that is out in the middle of a lake channel. While I understand that the location is safe from land based predators, the nest really seems exposed to the elements. For instance … last Sunday morning we had a severe thunder storm hit our cabin with winds in excess of 60 mph and large hail which damage my car and roof. These kingbirds which are nesting only 400 yards from my cabin survived the storm. Uff dah and Wow! Feel free to comment on this post as to some of the crazy locations birds have nested in your yard.

It is a bit challenging to take photographs from a kayak when it is bobbing in the waves, but I pushed the exposure of to 1/1000th of a second and took many, many images. At times the nest was not even in my end photograph. As a fyi … Northstar Lake is the “southern most lake” in the Hudson Bay Watershed.

My thanks to everyone who has already voted for the book cover I should use for my soon to be published children’s book, Snowy Searches for Color. The polls are still open, but close tomorrow (link here). It was fun yesterday reading the advance copy to my own grandchildren.

Breakfast Arriving

Dad Kingbird Surveying the Scene

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One thought on “Northstar Lake Eastern Kingbird Kids!

  1. fantastic photos..birds are amazing Gods creations are unbelievable in their inherent wisdom..far surpassing human wisdom!!Thanks so much for sharing these

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