Snow Birds … Red and Gray!

As noted we had another winter storm earlier this week dumping eight additional inches of snow on the Northland. With over 3 feet of snow on the ground, birds have started using bird feeders in a BIG way. Find some bird feeders, and you will find lots of birds. I photographed these snow birds during two different excursions this week.

One interesting side note is a few years ago you would never have found cardinals in the Duluth area. These were not a bird of the Boreal forest. Cardinals have been expanding their range northward, and I now have friends 1/2 the way to Two Harbors from Duluth along the shore who have these red birds in their yard.

Northern Cardinal near my own feeders (during the snow storm)

Gray Jay near the Admiral Road feeders in Sax-Zim Bog (as a fyi … Boreal Chickadees have also been seen eating peanut butter at this remote feeder in the middle of the woods)

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