Snowy Owl Ready for Take-Off

A good pilot always checks the wind speed and direction before take-off!
(photograph taken just before sunset this evening).

In addition, some very news from my eye doctor appointment today …

The prospect of going blind is very scary, and for the past few months I have been dealing with that strong possibility. When outside I was more often than not essentially blind. This morning I saw one of the top eye doctors in Minnesota, and discovered I have a rare neurological / eye disorder where my eyes are not communicating properly with my brain. Better yet, a treatment exists which should stop this nerve communication problem from occurring (not cure). My doctor is confident my treatment will return me to a normal life. Thus, Molly and I are cautiously optimistic that the new year will be very good. The treatment involves deadening certain nerves with Botox (essentially snake venom). Medicine is amazing. Learn more if interested … Blepharospasm.

It was a celebration today for me to find and photograph this Snowy Owl. I am already on new medication which is only manufactured at one location in Minnesota. Thank you for everyone’s kind words and prayers. Please keep me in your thoughts this Christmas season, but the trend is positive for the first time a long while. Happy Holidays.

The real treatment with the Botox does not start till next month. Thus, we have hope but it’s still a waiting game.

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12 thoughts on “Snowy Owl Ready for Take-Off

  1. I’m happy for you! What a relief to find that there is a treatment for this condition that has been causing you such grief. Go science and good doctors!

  2. Rich
    The wonder of botox. I have a friend with a serious blinking problem, and after a treatment with botox for these spasms, she is ‘normal’. I have been receiving botox injections for the past 9 months all around my head and neck for persistent, lifelong migraines, and it is the first treatment to give me relief, if not complete, at least 95%. I wish you the very best with this suggested treatment. I thoroughly enjoy your photography and comments.
    Joann Brown

  3. I so have enjoyed our brief communications. So extremely sorry about your eye health. Praying you adapt and look forward until health restored. Janet

  4. God Bless You !!! You are a GREAT photographer of Nature…..Glad they found a treatment for you…..and ironically, it is using NATURE to help you …… God Bless you and yours this
    Holiday Season…..You are a good man !!!!

  5. So glad they found out exactly what was wrong and can treat it. Christmas blessings to you and your family and many positive thoughts and prayers heading your way.

  6. Rich nice to finally meet you in the light after our October night encounter at Boulder Dam in the middle of the night. Glad to hear you have good news on your eye problem and were rewarded with this guy on the windsock. My wife use to work out of this hanger as a flight nurse and loved my takeoff into the wind picture.

    Jim Grassinger, Duluth

  7. All the best to you as you continue treatment for your eyes! Also wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  8. Fantastic news Rich! I knew you’d find a way to overcome. If our paths can cross in Duluth this winter, looking forward to owling with you and seeing Molly again.

  9. Such a welcome post, It makes my day! Richard, I’m among the horde of unknowns who’ve been thrilled and emotionally moved over the years by your photographs, your comments and the adventure bike travels taken by you and Molly. I always start my day with your post in addition to other spiritual readings. Thank you! Obviously, you feel particularly blessed this holiday season. I pray the positive news continues.

    Bryce Hamilton, Minneapolis

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